The Summer of 2017

Perhaps the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company. 

Have you ever had one of those seasons that just stands out in your memory with times of great joy, expansive moments and deep connections? Something you know that you will always treasure as a very special time in your life with your loved ones, including dear friends? As I now watch the devastation from two monster storms, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and juxtapose these feelings with those from the year surrounding Hurricane Katrina and her after-math on my hometown of New Orleans, I realize how ever-changing life is. And I ponder – is this how it is meant to be? Are we really just meant to be travelers on the road – some of us on the roads less-traveled – who love and support one another – through whatever Life brings us? I guess I am in a pondering mood right now. All I can say is that I remain profoundly grateful for the good moments and respectfully reflective for those not-so-good and downright sad moments. Perhaps we are just meant to “strap in” – savor what we can – hold onto others when we need to. And remember - remember that we are all in this together no matter our color, our religion (or not), our gender, our nationality, and all the other things that seek to separate us - and just Love one another tenderly. Yep. I think that’s it.

So, in that vein, I hope that you can take some time to enjoy and savor some of our simple pleasures, captured during our 2017 travels to Hawaii, Belize and the Bahamas and Tennessee for the Solar Eclipse, which I now am calling “The Summer of 2017.” And perhaps spend some time pursuing your own "unanswerable questions in good company."